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The Great Fire of London
Last term, Class Two learnt about The Great Fire of London. The children thoroughly enjoyed this topic and loved learning about Thomas Farriner and his bakery. A fact that the whole class thought was hilarious was that Samuel Pepys buried his wine and cheese in a hole in his garden to save it from the fire. During our Design
P.E. with Oxfordshire Cricket Association
This half term all children from Nursery to Year Six took part in free Cricket lessons organised by the Oxfordshire Cricket Association. Kieran was an excellent coach and the children had great fun learning new skills. A big thank you to those at the Oxfordshire Cricket Association who organised this.
Year 5 & 6 Football – Half Term One
The children have played four matches this half term. They have played two against Haddenham, one against Great Milton and St. John Fisher. Unfortunately, we lost three matches and drew one. The boys’ lost the Oxford City and Thame School’s Partnership final on penalties after drawing 0-0. The children will keep going and hopefully win
Federation Cross Country Event
On Thursday 20th October, Tetsworth and John Hampden had their annual Federation Cross Country Event on Tetsworth Green. The first race which was for the children that did not qualify for the main Cross Country team was won by Jude White with Dima Zdoryk and Oliver Fincham coming in 2nd and 3rd place. In the Year ¾ Girls’ race,
Graduation Ceremony 2022 @ St. Giles’ Church
On Tuesday 19th July the school held their annual Graduation Ceremony for the Year Six leavers. This year the event was held at St. Giles’ Church due to the warm weather and needing shade. This year’s winners were: Spirit of Tetsworth – Iona Sports Award – Otto Arts Award – Lucy Reader of the Year